
thaks for testing all this and providing detailed help. Not sure why the wierd behavior, maybe someone else on the list can shed some light.

I am however having problems using "header" instead of "body". Is there some restriction in doing (using your example) instead of

preference= "body  TEST_SQL"

to replace those with

preference="header TEST_SQL"
value="Subject =~ /TEST_SQL/i"

i would like to create rules for the subject, but the header tests seem to be not working.. Any ideas?


mysql> select * from userpref where username='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ;
+----------------+--------------------+----------------------------- +--------+-------+
| username | preference | value | prefid | valid |
+----------------+--------------------+----------------------------- +--------+-------+
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | rewrite_subject | 1 | 321 | NULL |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | report_safe | 2 | 273 | NULL |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | required_hits | 5 | 323 | NULL |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | header ADAM_TEST | Subject =~ /bogus/i | 335 | NULL |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | score ADAM_TEST | 100 | 333 | NULL |
+----------------+--------------------+----------------------------- +--------+-------+

On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 06:03 PM, Dallas L. Engelken wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Denenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:10 PM
To: Dallas L. Engelken
Cc: SA-Talk
Subject: RE: [SAtalk] custom rules with mysql


in order to make a rule like

Header   L_s_casino      Subject =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i
describe L_s_casino      Subject mentions a casino (RM)
score    L_s_casino      1.1

work, do you need to turn on allow_user_rules?

having some difficulty getting this to work with mysql per user.



this may be slightly buggy..  if i have the custom rule already defined
in local.cf, it is detected, and i can override the score and descript
just fine via sql.  however, if the custom rule name is not already
defined in local.cf, the body rule disappears from the body_test

i added some dbg code to PerMsgStatus.pm and when i have
body TEST_SQL               /TEST_SQL/i
in local.cf, i see this debug output..

@400000003f259b0e0b9aae24 debug: Rule: TEST_SQL
@400000003f259b0e0b9b8114 debug: Rule: TEST_SQL

i simply added
            if(\''.$rulename.'\'=~ /SQL/) { &dbg("Rule: '.$rulename.'
");   }
to line 1506 in PerMsgStatus.pm to achive that result.

now, when i remove the body rule from local.cf, and load it via SQL, i
get no matching rules in for TEST_SQL in the $self->{conf}{body_tests}}
hash...  why did it not store it??   hmmm.  well, allow_user_rules is 1
in local.cf, and my debug output shows the body rule is added because i
have a dbg line showing that as well....

@400000003f259ca80788cb7c debug: add_test TEST_SQL /TEST_SQL/ig
@400000003f259ca8078b09b4 debug: add_test sub called.  rule name:
TEST_SQL - rule text: /TEST_SQL/ig - rule type: 10

still, the TEST_SQL rule does not exist in $self->{conf}{body_tests}}

i assume it has something to do with
      $self->{user_rules_to_compile} = 1 if $scoresonly;
in Conf.pm, and when that value is 1, something else needs to be done
for that body rule to be added to the body_tests hash??

i've dicked around long enough and now it's 5pm and time to go home...
if someone can help shed some light on this, i would appreciate it.


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