cool.  Does that mean that we could define "header" and "describe"
paramters in the DB as well ?

 as well in the tables for each user or domain?


On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 14:41, Dallas L. Engelken wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Adam Denenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 1:28 PM
> > To: Dallas L. Engelken
> > Cc: SA-Talk
> > Subject: RE: [SAtalk] custom rules with mysql
> > 
> > 
> > I am actually using prefs perfectly with the DB.
> > 
> > My question is if i can use the DB to create "rules" for 
> > users.  Like putting something like 
> > 
> ah, well you're last message said "per-domain/user", so i was answering
> based on your requirement.
> > header BAD_SUBJECT Subject =~ test 
> > score BAD_SUBJECT 3.0
> > 
> > stuff like that in the DB
> > 
> yes you can.  i use score to override the default whitelist_from and
> blacklist_from scores...  i guess i've never wrote a custom rule via
> sql, but it should work also.
> mysql> select * from sa_rules where username = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> +-----+------------------+-------------------------+----------------+---
> -------+---------------------+----------------+
> | id  | username         | preference              | value          |
> descript | added               | modified       |
> +-----+------------------+-------------------------+----------------+---
> -------+---------------------+----------------+
> |  14 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | whitelist_from          | [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
> test     | 2003-05-23 16:11:38 | 20030523161138 |
> |  86 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | report_safe             | 0              |
> NULL     | 2003-05-30 16:29:46 | 20030530162946 |
> |  85 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | subject_tag             | [SPAM-_HITS_]- |
> NULL     | 2003-05-30 16:29:46 | 20030530162946 |
> |  84 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | rewrite_subject         | 1              |
> NULL     | 2003-05-30 16:29:46 | 20030530162946 |
> |  82 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | required_hits           | 4              |
> NULL     | 2003-05-30 16:29:46 | 20030530162946 |
> |  83 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | delete_hits             | 9              |
> NULL     | 2003-05-30 16:29:46 | 20030530162946 |
> | 120 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | score USER_IN_WHITELIST | -10            |
> NULL     | 2003-07-28 13:39:18 | 20030728133923 |
> | 121 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | score USER_IN_BLACKLIST | 10             |
> NULL     | 2003-07-28 13:39:18 | 20030728133923 |
> +-----+------------------+-------------------------+----------------+---
> -------+---------------------+----------------+
> 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> dallas
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