> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Denenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 10:44 AM
> To: SA-Talk
> Subject: [SAtalk] custom rules with mysql
> Hey guys,
>   I am using SA 2.55 with mysql user prefs. 
>   Does anybody know if its possible to use per-domain/user 
> rules using mysql?
>  thanks
> adam

see spamassassin-devel archives on march 14th 2003 for a post by me
[SAdev] PER-DOMAIN sql prefs patch

 - it allows you to set up, global, per-domain, and per-user prefs in
sql.  user takes precendence over domain which takes precedence over
global.  it defies the @GLOBAL convention due to sorting errors because
of the @ sign is so high in the ascii chain.  instead it uses $GLOBAL
for globals, and %domain.com for per-domain... since [A-z] > % > $.
that post on SAdev should fully explain it.  it was never adopted, but
if you want to be able to run 3 tiered prefs like this, this is the way
to go IMHO :)


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