Hello Matt,

Friday, July 25, 2003, 8:53:28 AM, you wrote:

MK> How much memory does your system have?

MK>   Bayes can be a pretty substantial memory hog..

I found out what the problem was - just thought I would
share it.

What happens is that I use procmail to catch spam from some
spam-trap addresses on our server and feed this to a file
for sa-learn. Every night, a cron job runs sa-learn.

Well, what happened is that the Bayes file got rather large,
and the cron job ran out of memory after learning, but
before running the untie, unlock, & expire routines needed
to complete the job.

I found this by rerunning the sa-learn job in -D mode and catching
the out of memory error; I've fixed it now.

I wanted to mention it though in case anyone else runs into
this problem, as there was no specific error message. The
presence of the extra bayes_toks.new file in the directory
as well as a .lock file were the clues -- apparently the
.new file is something created temporarily which would
ordinarily be deleted once the sa-learn process completed.

Anyway, thanks for your help - the other suggestions you
made are useful to me in any event, as it is obvious I need
to be careful with memory use on my system.


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