I have installed qmail+qmailscanner1.16+SA2.55
For test I send a lot of e-mail from
another mailserver to my qmail server ..... I send spam mail and non
spam-mail and the system work fine .....if the total score (x.x) in the header
(X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=x.x required=5.5) was maior of 5.5 the
subject was tagged ****SPAM**** (from the qmail-scanner variable "my
BUT this is interesting If I send a spam e-mail
(also too high...x.x=70) WITHOUT subject in the email the system recornize the
mail like spam (in /var/spool/qmailscan/qmail-queue.log i find the line "SA:
yup, this smells like SPAM") the header of mail has "X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=70
required=5.5" but NO TAG string was added......so at last the mail was not a
spam mail???
what is wrong??
- Re: [SAtalk] probably spamassassin bug? Aldo Mari
- Re: [SAtalk] probably spamassassin bug? Matt Kettler
- Re: [SAtalk] probably spamassassin bug? Aldo Mari
- RE: [SAtalk] probably spamassassin bug? Dallas L. Engelken