Hi Guys,

These Nigerian scammers are really getting creative. This one scored 1.1!


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Subject: Business Proposal
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FROM: DR. Oshioke michael
 FAX: 234-1-759-0801
Dear friend,
I am writing you this message to solicit for your kind
assistance in this mutually beneficial transaction. I am
using this medium to introduce myself to you. I am DR.
Oshioke michael, a banker by profession.
A foreigner, Late Engr. Johnson Juan Creek, an oil merchant
and a contractor who died in a ghastly plane crash on 7th
November, 1996.  Until his death,left with us in his account
a closing balance of US$18.5M which I am now seeking your
assistance to act as the foreign next of kin and cousin to
late Engr. Creek's estate in claiming the money into your
account before I will arrange to meet you in your country
for the disbursement.
I believe from my few points above, you can begin to get an
idea why I need your participation. Let me explain how the
money, which is the basis of this business I am proposing,
came about. Before I became a deputy director, some years
ago I was an Accounts Officer to some special corporate
customers. One of these very important customers of our
bank(Union ank PLC) was Engineer Johnson Juan Creek of
blessed memory, an American citizen, who had spent most of
his years before his death working in Africa and mostly in
Nigeria. He died in a ADC plane crash on 7th Novemer, 1996
in Nigeria. This money belonged to
 him. Technically speaking now,it belongs only to his name.
The money is payment he received for acontract he executed
on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing for
the government (Installation of Pipelines in Warri
Refinery). My reason for deciding to carry out this
transaction is that Engr. Creek did not mention any next of
kin in any of the documents held by the bank for the number
of years he had banked with us. Since 1996 we have searched
for anybody that could be related to Engr. Creek, I was
mandated by the bank to search for a relation of Engr. Creek
and I did this from January1997 to December 1999. I came
across your name during my personal search for a trusted and
reliable foreigner who could claim this funds as the
beneficiary to late Engr. Creek.

Nevertheless, as it is, there is no relative. Now, the
Chairman of the bank who is a retired soldier has indicated
his intentions for the money.I have all the necessary papers
and documents which will
facilitate the release of the funds into your account
without any delay. This is made possible by virtue of the
fact that I am an insider here in the bank, so, I know all
what it takes to successfully conclude the transaction
without any hitch.During the last meeting of Directors and
Deputies, he said that he would donate the money to a
discredited military trust fund if it is not claimed soon,
thisinvariably means the continuous flow of more arms and
ammunition. I know for sure that not all of the money will
go to the military trust some will surely line his pockets
and that of anybody who is in support of his plan. My plan
is to get a trust worthy person that can, under my constant
guidance present him self as a cousin to the late
Engr.Creek. I want you to note that your citizenship does
not matter; You do not have to be an American. The papers
demanded by the normal procedure for the claiming of an
inheritance will take care of everything. You will be sole
beneficiary to the estate of Engr. Creek. All I need is for
you to follow my instructions closely because I am
experienced in inheritance matters here and I am onground
here to advice you on every step until you receive the
money. Then we meet.
For your participation, we will allow you 30% of the gross.
10% has been set aside for all incidental expenses which
might be incurred in the process of this transaction. It
will be deducted from the gross value and shared at a
commensurate ratio; this wewill be done at the end of the
transaction, because the money is bonded. An estimated 10%
or less willcover all incidental expenses and we will take
60%for ourselves. The most important thing to me right now
is trust on both sides. Now the money is stillin the care of
the bank, I hope the trust will still be there when we must
have legally established yourrelationship as cousin to Engr.
Creek and the moneyis paid to you. I need also to trust that
you willnot tell people or your bank about this business.

You will collect the money first, then I get my share, then
you can tell anybody what you choose thereafter. I shall
need your help to invest in yourcountry; therefore, any
experience you have in this area will be beneficial.
Surely, you must have some questions or may be you just need
further clarification. I will be happy to receive a
telephone call from you or a fax message to this effect,
this will enable me explain further what the next step is
and the general plan. I willalso need your most confidential
telephone number and fax number, if you have a mobile phone
I believeit will help so that I can reach you anytime. 
please kindly respond by Phone or email only. 

Your positiveand negative response is highly welcome.
 Best regards,
 DR. Oshioke michael
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