I like to make lots of custom rules (I gratifying watching how effective they can be). 
 I have several that I update with porn words that spammers try to be clever with.  In 
your case:

body CLEVER_P0RN        /(?:sexua1|0rgies|ph0t0s|sch00l)/i

Notice that they use one's for the letter L, zero's for the letter O, etc.  You can 
usually get away with assigning high scores to these since legitimate mailers don't 
type 0rgies as a typo.

I would also make a C1ick here rule - starting to see this used often.

body C1CK_HERE  eval:html_eval('anchor_text', '=~ /C1ick\s+here/i')

Hope this helps..

-----Original Message-----
From: German Staltari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 10:53 AM
Subject: [SAtalk] tricky spam

Hi, i've attahced a very tricky SPAM mail that has been scored with 0.8
points, what can be done with this kind of SPAM?.

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