> -----Original Message-----
> From: German Staltari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 10:53 AM
> Subject: [SAtalk] tricky spam
> Hi, i've attahced a very tricky SPAM mail that has been 
> scored with 0.8
> points, what can be done with this kind of SPAM?.
> Thanks
> German

I had a rule note on this from before. Haven't got to it yet. Basicaly
because of the FP rate. I'm going to write a few quick rules that look for
letterzeroletter and letter1letter. You can see why the FP rate would be
high. But I would score this low. possibly combine some of the rules. Like
looking for multiple instances of the rule. 

It is easy to write a rule for some of the better knowns ones like
but with all the ways of doing OBFU it would be kind of big. 

Your spam was a nice example.

Chris Santerre
System Admin
"You should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about."- Willy Wonka

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