Hi there,
        I have installed the latest spamassassin on our server and it
appears to be working well. Now I wish to incorporate the bayes
filtering but I get the following error in syslog when running spamd -d
-D as root.

spamd[9050]: debug: using "/usr/share/spamassassin" for default rules
spamd[9050]: debug: using "/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules dir
spamd[9050]: debug: bayes: no dbs present, cannot scan:
spamd[9050]: debug: Score set 1 chosen.
spamd[9050]: debug: Initialising learner
spamd[9050]: debug: debug: Only 0 spam(s) in Bayes DB < 200
spamd[9050]: debug: bayes: 9050 untie-ing
spamd[9050]: debug: bayes: 9050 untie-ing db_toks

1. Why is it looking at a folder in /tmp for the bayes database? How do
I correct this?

Also we are using exim/sa-exim with calls spamc/spamd at smtp time using
the user account "exim".
Users will not have individual filters.
I gather spamd uses this account when it is called via spamc. 

2. If I run spamd/sa-learn as root - will the spamd setuid as exim still
use a 'universal' (root's) bayes database? Or should I be running
sa-learn using the 'exim' account?

I'm sure I've missed some simple settings.

Thanks in advance.

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