Hello Matt,

Wednesday, July 9, 2003, 6:36:03 PM, you wrote:

>> >  4.0 (Medium),
>>These three settings are going to give you false positives galore.

MK> 4.0 isn't all that bad.. according to STATISTICS.txt 4.0 should give you 
MK> 0.44% FP rate in v 2.54, which is a lot more than the 0.08% for 5.0, but 
MK> not quite insane.

Once custom rules and whitelisting are used, it *really*
depends on the particular system configuration. I've got a
4.0 threshold and very rarely see a false positive - I
turned it down to 4 from 5 because there were too many false
negatives getting through. But I'm managing an in-house
server for a company and it was fairly easy to set up a
basic whitelist and a few negative-point rules specifically
geared to company business that are pretty effective. It's
just a matter of figuring out what common phrases or word
combinations "good" email is likely to have. When I have
seen false positives it is often from people who simply got
too creative with their email program - huge fonts, many
colors, exclamation points !!!, etc. I sometimes send them
back their email with the SA scoring to show them why they
would do well to tone things down a little.

But the bottom line is you simply have to watch your own
email and adjust things accordingly.


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