> I have a Red Hat Linux 9 machine that has Perl 5.8 installed on it, and
> 5.8 on this machine looks deeply embedded to the core of the OS, based on
> the ton of dependencies when I do "rpm -e perl". I need to run
> on this machine, but the SpamAssassin docs highly recommends using Perl
> and NOT Perl 5.8.
> *****Is there anyway I can install Perl 5.6.1 for use by SpamAssassin
> so I can leave Perl 5.8 for the OS and everything else?*****
> I'm afraid trying to uninstall Perl 5.8 on this machine, besides having a
> hundred depending packages to uninstall first, and then to re-install
> back revving Perl, will leave the OS in an unstable state.
> Any ideas?
> How are others handling this problem?
> Does SpamAssassin (v2.55 and v2.60) seem to be running fine on Perl 5.8?
> Joe

I'm running on 5.8.0 without any issues on a Mandrake 9.0 distro.


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