> -----Original Message-----
> From: VonEssen, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 12:58 PM
> Subject: [SAtalk] spam with no body...
> I have been seeing this sort of spam come up on several different mail
> servers I work on.
> The email is definitely spam and it tests positive for a few RBL, but
> not enough to raise its score significantly. The one I got 
> the other day
> only scored 2.9.
> I know that on my system I send back a 554 User Unknown error for any
> piece of spam I catch. I am thinking that spammers won't 
> delete you from
> their list initially. Instead, they will send a blank email 
> with no body
> (more likely to get through). If that email gets through, 
> then they know
> that your address really does exist.
> Any thoughts? 

You know I just had a thought. While I agree w/ my first idea that a spammer
just sent it out wrong, it could be a different tactic. 

1) The mail might get auto-whitelisted.  
2) It may be somehow fed into bayes as ham.

Spammer could send out the exact same email only now it would get a AWL hit
and ham hit. I've saved these blank ones. I'll have to keep an eye out for
duplicates with content. 


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