> > hi to all,
> >
> > I'm still having an unresolve problem with my Email server  having
> > spamassassin. My server load increases when it scans less than a hundred
> > of
> > emails in transit. I'm running spamassassin daemon.
> >
> > Any idea why? Please help us.
> Well naturally SpamAssassin is going to increase the load on your server.
> The question is, is your server adequately rated for the amount of email
> you process *WITH* SpamAssassin running.
> To know the answer to that we'd actually have to know something about your
> system ;-)
> Such as,
> * CPU Speed
> * RAM
> * Some idea of disk performance (IDE ? SCSI ? etc)
> * Which MTA
> * How SA is integrated into the MTA (procmail ? Mimedefang ? etc)
> * Have you set any limit to the maximum number of simultaneous calls to
> spamassassin
> * Are you using spamassassin or spamc/spamd (not applicable with
> * Approx email throughput per day
> Without information like this, no-one can help you diagnose a performance
> problem.
I'm having the following :
CPU - Intel PII 300 MHz
Memory - 128 MB
Swap Memory - 256 MB
Disk- SCSI
MTA - Sendmail 8.11.6

I'm using a third party filtering software (Xamime from xamime.com). It has
a Prefiltering method which uses spamassassin to scan emails before using
its own filtering method. The software execute a shell script to invoke
spamassassin(spamd/spamc) to scan emails with has the following lines:

spamc -x -t 30 < $mailpack > $mailpack.tmp

I used to restart the spamassassin daemon to get back to normal load. It's
approx 100 email throughput by the time the load increases.

Any idea/suggestions ? Please help Us and thanks in advance.


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