On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 11:45:59AM -0700, Matthew Thomas wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm using 2.53 spamassassin (with Mimedefang and sendmail).  I've got my
> bayes database seeded.  When I test spam using "spamassassin -tD <
> sample-spam", I get accurate bayes information.  But I have yet to see the
> bayes result to show up on a tagged incoming spam.  Do I have something
> configured incorrectly(is there a flag I need to switch to turn it on system
> wide)?  Should most of the tagged spams also have a bayes test line in the
> spam report?  Everything else is working well, I just can't tell if incoming
> spams are being bayes filtered.

This has been asked in the past, and the answer I remember is that at
least one spam has to score above 20 to cause Bayesian scoring to
become active. There may be a requirement for at least one non-spam to
score below -5, too.

Mike Andrews
Tired old sysadmin since 1964

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