> >  I've installed spamassassin 2.54 in redhat 7.3 with a machine specs
> > of Intel PII 350MHz 128MB, there are times that my server loads
> > abnormally increases when spamassassin daemon scanning emails. I used
> > to restart the daemon process and the server load back to normal
> > again.
> How many mails are analysed in parallel. Which MTA? How is SA
> integrated into the MTA?

The server scanned less than a hundred by that time. I'm using sendmail
8.11.6 and a third party filtering software (XAMIME - www.xamime.com) which
use SpamAssassin as a prefilter by running  a shell script which contains
the following parameters:

spamc -x -t 30 < $mailpack > $mailpack.tmp

Any idea why ? Do i need to upgrade my server specification? Thank's in
advance and sorry for the wrong post i've send previously, i accidentally
click the send button.


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