----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jack Gostl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "SpamAssassin listserve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 8:34 AM
Subject: [SAtalk] SAproxy

> I'm trying to get SAProxy working. According to the docs, I should point
> my OE at, and then change my account to
> "account_name:server". After I do this, I'm getting authentication
> failures. I looked in my server log, and did some traces and I find that
> the account is begin submitted as "account_name:server" instead of just
> "account_name". 
> I've gone over the OE config a few times, and its OK. The Host Map in
> SAProxy looks good, so I'm now wondering if this is a perl issue of some
> kind.
> Any ideas?

Is SA Proxy different to pop3proxy ?
I use pop3proxy very successfully with windoze clients.

You should not have to change anything except the pop3 server on OE
If it is more than one mail account you need to allocate a different port for each 

CF http://mcd.perlmonk.org/pop3proxy/

Stuart Gall  
Systems Administrator
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