tir, 2003-02-25 kl. 15:32 skrev Malte S. Stretz:

> Godwin's Law:
> "The probability of somebody drawing an inappropriate Nazi-comparison 
> increases proportionally to the length of a Usenet thread. If this happens, 
> the discussion is normally declared as ended and the one who drawed the 
> comparison receives loads of *plonks*."
> Peukert's Second Law:
> "Anybody using a Nazi- or Third-Reich-comparison with a view to close a 
> thread via Godwin's Law will fail."

Pottinger's law:

If you are driving along a 5 km long straight stretch of road with no
traffic whatsoever apart from one cyclist on your side, 2 1/2 km in
front of you, it is 100% certain that a motorist coming the other way,
whom you can't see yet, will force you to draw up behind the cyclist to
let the motorist by.

Pottinger died of a heart attack when he was only 28. He was balding at
the time, his teeth were suspect and his wife despised him, so it was
just as well.




Tony Earnshaw

When you rob a person of his illusions,
you are robbing him of his happiness

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