On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 10:30, Dustin Baer wrote:
> Why not send it to a discard directory and run a nightly cron job to let
> people know what was caught, e.g. From, To, Subject, SpamAssassin
> score.  Then set up a web page (or an email alias to a program) that
> will allow someone to request the discarded email.

I thought about something like that, but in my current setup, it
wouldn't be fun as I run SA+Exim as a gateway to an Exchange setup, with
all of our users using Active Directory.

I have used php+LDAP to authenticate a user before.  This may not be too
hard to implement, if (user+pass validates and user has spam to view)
then show spam, else error.


Jeremy Turner, Help Desk Supervisor        Phone: 405.425.5555
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                Phone: 405.425.1820
Information Technology Services, Oklahoma Christian University

Microsoft Palladium -- Where do you think you're going today???

Linux jturnermac 2.4.19 #10 Mon Oct 14 13:14:58 CDT 2002 ppcunknown GNU/Linux
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