| The problem or feature of the current system seems to be that you don't
| really know who the email is from.  Received: and From: headers can be
| faked, so that you really don't know that the listed location is the
| true originating location.  You can't reliably bounce an email or notify
| a postmaster/abuse account because the email can't be linked back to the
| originating location from the email alone.

If you run SA with exim + exiscan you can refuse spam messages during the
SMTP session itself.  In other words, your server gives a 5xx response
after the DATA phase.

For a legit message, the sender's MTA will generate a failure report
"bounce" message going back to the sender.  For spam, the spamware will
likely ignore the error altogether. ( not that we care what it does )

I'm sorry I don't know whether this can be done with sendmail's milter


Chris Edwards                   University of Glasgow Computing Service,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Glasgow, Scotland. Phone: +44 141 330 4892.

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