Discussion of gateways in the "success stories" thread got me thinking.
We are very much in the pilot stage with SA. We forward through a RH7.3
hardened with Bastille from an external Imail 7.1 server and a fire walled
Exchange 5.5 server.
Both Imail and Exchange have LDAP capabilities and Sendmail (Amazon just
shipped me the 3rd edition Bat book that covers v8.12) seems to have LDAP
lookup. I think Exim might also have the capability.

What I would like to see is the ability of the gateway to use LDAP to
validate the recipient exists so that messages for non-existent users are
rejected. You be amazed at the number of "no such user" messages generated
on our Imail server as the spammers permute their way from aaaaaaaa to
zzzzzzzz looking for a mail box to crudify.

The next step is to keep statistics for a "X strikes and you are out" milter
to deny access completely for X minutes when they hit too many bad addresses
or have a 0 ham to X spam ratio.

Has anyone done off-server LDAP user validation like this?

Best Regards,

Robert J. Strickler
Sr. Consultant

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