On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 16:42, Stephane wrote:
> Our infrastructure would look like:
> Internet-->[SA]-->[Mailsweeper]-->[SMTP/Lotus Notes gateway]-->Lotus
> Notes Mail reader on Client PC
> Each bracketed text is a separate server, so SA would be a dedicated
> relay, with no local mailboxes, just a passthrough.

I've done exactly this.  I admin linux servers at a university, and we
have 3 MS Exchange 2000 boxes for email servers.  I put in place a
Debian Woody server with Exim as MTA and SpamAssassin to tag offending
emails, and then let users filter content at their leisure with MS
Outlook (which most of our users use on the client end).

> The goal for us is to tag emails (X-Spam-Flag) in a first step 

Easy enough.  I have my settings to not clobber HTML emails, and put
reports in the header.  I use an MTA-level subject rewrite so that
emails within a certain spam range get classified as 'Yellow' or 'Red'. 
Therefore, a spam email would have 'Yellow Spam --' prefixed on the
front of emails.  Clients can make rules based on the headers, or simply
on the subjects. 

> and let the Notes client put tagged msgs into a separate folder (only
> saves time, bandwidth and storage are still used).

In my case, I let the clients handle this on their own.  Clients who
want to /dev/null emails (or whatever on Windows) can do so only if they
choose to.

> In a second step we would like to quarantine all detected spam at the
> SA server level (thus saving also bandwidth and storage). 

I haven't figured this one out yet.

> I received many replies to my previous post from people who work in
> companies having implemented SA, but none of them do the blocking at
> the gateway level, they give the choice to the users. With our
> infrastructure, we cannot do that, as the SA server will not know
> anything about the mailboxes, it would just be a relay, no local
> /var/spool/mail directory, no local /home/xxx directory for the users
> !

The info for gateway setups are few and far between.  Maybe I'll do a
HOW-TO or atleast info on how I setup ours here.

> Blocking spam-tagged emails at the gateway level as we intend to do
> requires a good trust in the chosen spam filter product !! And here is
> my point, this trust comes when you can point at other and say: they
> use it, they are happy with it, and all problems they encountered,
> they could fix them with the help of xxxx and if they get any more
> problems they can rely on xxxx to fix them quickly.

There is a difference of course between blocking and tagging.  I err on
the side of caution, mainly because I haven't figured out a quarantine
system out.


Jeremy Turner, Help Desk Supervisor        Phone: 405.425.5555
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                Phone: 405.425.1820
Information Technology Services, Oklahoma Christian University

Microsoft Palladium -- Where do you think you're going today???

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