Robert J. Accettura wrote on Tue, 14 Jan 2003 14:43:35 -0500:

> it 
> will become more common to send just HTML mail since it's quicker, and 
> smaller in size.

gulp ??? Adding 1k to a normally 0,1k mail and then removing 0,1k is 
"smaller in size"?

> Relying on mail format is silly

Well believe me or not, but about 80-90% of the spam I get is HTML 
(html-only oder text+html) and less than 1% of the legitimate email I get 
is HTML. Makes for a pretty nice spamblock. Actually, makes up for the 
*best* spam indicator you currently have. If you use it carefully, it's 
very powerful. It can happen for all rules that the combined scoring 
indicates spam although it isn't. If you are not that "fanatic" about 
getting HTML as I (yes, I admit that ;-) you can simply add a score of 1 
or 2 and be safe. It will catch most of the spam which still slips thru 
but won't score high enough for legitimate messages. The problem is that 
SA doesn't have a simple CONTAINS_HTML rule at the moment (2.43).
So I'm currently simply blocking all HTML mail. Most of the spam still 
slipping thru SA (I'm testing it only for two weeks now) on the central 
mail server is stopped by my HTML blocking on the office mail server 
(done with DMail filtering).
I can live with the few legitimate emails getting rejected and I doubt 
that just rejecting all HTML sends more messages to the jail than other 
rules. Of course, I can't do this for clients, that's why SA needs a 
CONTAINS_HTML rule, so one can score it and also disable it in 



Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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