Most popular email clients are starting to default to HTML mail.  Considering how widely used it is these days it's really starting to push legitimate emails towards the edge.  The average legitimate email today seems to be about 3.0... and those are emails made in Outlook, Mozilla, and other personal clients.  

I think outside the UNIX community, where users taking advantage of spamasssassin are, this problem arises.  

HTML emails are like graphics on webpages, despite how many in the UNIX community hated images in webpages when they first started to appear (especially animated GIF's), they are now on almost every page, many times there are many.  

This rule is like considering all webpages with images to be porn sites in a kiddy filter, since Lynx is the webbrowser of choice.  

Problem is, outside this techie world, life isn't like that.  HTML mail is becoming the majority.  Meaning that a majority of mail in the real world, already has a point value, before anything else is taken into account.

Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Michael Moncur wrote on Tue, 14 Jan 2003 10:30:16 -0700:

I rarely receive legitimate HTML-only email either,


I'd like to extend this to

"I rarely receive legitimate HTML email"

can we have CTYPE_HTML und BODY_CONTAINS_HTML rules or something like 
this? (some spammers simply don't advertise the content-type at all, 
therefore the body detection).



Robert J. Accettura

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