Hi Stephane,

On Tuesday, January 14, 2003, 19:13:26, you wrote:
> I would be interested in knowing if there is a similar large company (>
> 5000 mailboxes) having successfully implemented spamassassin in order to
> share the experience -- we had a successful pilot running and would like
> to go live in one month.

I don't work for a company and we don't have as many mailboxes as you do,
but maybe this is still helpful for you.
I live at a student hostel and (among others) adminitrate the servers. Our
current general-purpose handyman server is a 400 MHz Celeron with 384 MB of
memory. It's got several databases, our websites (user webspace and
administration), FTP, mail and is also our user application server. So as
you can imagine, the machine is quite busy.
I installed SA about 5 weeks ago, expecting it to increase the load, but
even with >6000 incoming mails a day I didn't see any change. I have to say
I'm quite pleased with the performance of the spamd/SA/procmail chain.

Regards, Roman

Roman Katzer, Aachen, Germany

All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really
happened.  -- Ernest Hemingway

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