Bob Apthorpe said:
> On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Andrew Allison wrote:
> > My Web host uses SpamAssassin to filter e-mail, but quite a bit gets
> > through. I've looked at the FAQs and don't find a mechanism for a Windows
> > (2000) user to submit the offending e-mails for inclusion in the filtering.
> > Is there one?
> No. Very simply, SpamAssassin has a large library of patterns (rules) that
> it checks mail against. Those patterns are assigned scores by analyzing a
> large body of spam and non-spam at the time a new version of SpamAssassin
> is released. The rules and scores are updated persiodically (with each new
> version) but not dynamically, and my understanding is there's no means of
> submitting spam to the testing corpus without being an active SA
> developer. If this isn't correct, I'm sure someone will tactfully clarify
> matters... :)

Well, in version 2.50 (not yet released, but will be soon), the admin will
be able to feed such messages into the learner using "sa-learn-spam" and
"sa-learn-nonspam", and that'll tweak the Bayesian learning system.

Mechanisms for doing so will be up to each individual site, but would
probably involve forwarding a copy of the offending mails (with all
headers) to the admin.


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