Hi, On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 23:17:18 -0600 "Nick Marino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok I looked back and I have to agree it is hard to understand what is going > on when doing the top posting thing. > > So for that I appologize. But when someone is learning and trying to > understand new things please don't be so rude when you respond to them you > are more than likely to get a rude response back. Well, don't take this wrong but you did seem to go out of your way to insult people who were trying to help you. Believe me, I don't spend my days trying to point out every petty spelling and formatting error someone makes on a mailing list. My main goal was to point out that you're more likely to get a quality response if you make it easy for other people to help you. Also, and this is a very difficult habit to change, you may want to cut way, way back on comments about people not understanding your post, implying they're lazy, stupid, arrogant, etc. While you may think you're only pissing off the one person you're responding to, the rest of the list population may see you as unpleasant and not worth the effort to help. Start working on it now, it'll take years to get any good at it. Remember, being civil costs you absolutely nothing. It's a more useful job skill than you can imagine. And while I'm handing out advice, beg, borrow, or steal a copy of Richard Lanham's "Revising Prose" ($7 used on Powell's; http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=7-0023674458-2 .) It's a short book but if you use it, you'll dramatically improve your writing, you'll spend less time on it, and you'll get your point across faster and better. I used to work at a role-playing game company and one of the editors recommended it highly. For a book on writing, it kicks major ass. You too can have m4D 3N6li5H 5ki11z with just a little effort. > Anyway back to the real topic of the list. > > I have solved my SA problems, not by tracking down why it is stripping > carriage returns and leaving only line feeds from the messages but by > running unix2dos on each message after SA gets done with it. Are you sure the mail messages aren't mangled before they get to SA? If you're using procmail, you can copy the messages into a folder before they hit SA so you can compare the two. IIRC you said the messages that were getting mangled were all spam. It's possible they arrived mangled since spammers don't pay very strict attention to standards unless they help them exploit vulnerabilities. -- Bob ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.NET email is sponsored by: SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See! http://www.vasoftware.com _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk