
That's the sound of your idiot behavior causing me (and I suspect quite a few others) to add you to my killfile. Nice way to make yourself known to a list btw.

Blatant stupidity and rudeness is bad enough. Crude racist remarks are a different kind of offensive behavior altogether.

Don't bother replying. You're killfiled.


Nick Marino wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony L. Svanstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Nick Marino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] My posting

what ever.

You read what ever you wanted to into my post just so you would have
something to complain about. Funny you are the only one who started making
rude comments when I posted.

May be you better go back and read it all again.

Didn't see one person say anything rude after I posted except you.
Until you started the top posting crap then people started to respond, which
by the way took it off topic.

You could have sent that message to me personally about the top posting but
no you had to post it back the list that has nothing to do with top posting
just so you could start some crap.

Well what ever turns you on. I suspect you need to turn off your computer
and go out side for a while and get some air before your head explodes.

Get a girlfriend or something constructive.

Dam Swedes always gotta be starting something!

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