At Sun Jan  5 16:03:04 2003, Nathan Neulinger wrote:
> --=-t+cu9JrK/fwJhucIzUmy
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> They currently tend to score too high because of the subject
> addresses/etc. Would be nice if there were test for this to lower the
> score by a few points. 

Given that this is presumably a regular mail which is likely to have
spammy contect, my gut feeling would be that you need to either
whitelist it, or have a local rule specific to that list which adds a
big negative score.

The problem with giving too big a negative score to any rule by
default is that it gives spammers something to abuse.

Martin Radford              |   "Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | men just upload their important stuff  -o)
Registered Linux user #9257 |  on ftp and let the rest of the world  /\\
- see |       mirror it ;)"  - Linus Torvalds _\_V

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