Hi all,

I'm trying to write a rule based on the message-id header field, but I'm confused on the expression useage. I'm using SA 2.43 and I'm trying to match on if the Message-Id: header contains @aol.com> at the end of it. The reason for me wanting this rule is because as more people switch to newer versions of AOL and make use of AOL's mail decorations, they are tripping the SA rules more often. I also do not want to whitelist all of aol.com, I just want if the mail contains @aol.com in the message-id header to take away 2 points.
What I've tried:

header AOL_MSG_ID Message-ID/(@aol.com)/i
describe AOL_MSG_ID Sent through and serialized by an AOL server
score AOL_MSG_ID -2.0

thanks for any ideas or hints!

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