I have been using SPAMC/SPAMD for 5 or 6 weeks now
(2.50-CVS). I just updated the src from the new CVS and rebuilt the
package. When I tried to start the SPAMD service it politely informed me
that -S was no longer a valid switch. Isn't that the switch that told
SPAMD to stop checking when it reached the specified score? Our server is
now running complete checks and logging this in the log file.
identified spam (17.8/6.0) for
SOMEUSER:99 in 11.0 seconds, 1276 bytes.
This would be fine except we are using SpamAssassin
on a roundrobin server that handles >150,000 messages/day and the extra
checking is eating up more CPU than we need. I searched the documentation
to see if this had been changed to a different switch, but I can't find it in
the Changes or man files.
Can someone help me out and point me into the
direction I need to go to get it where it wont continue processing when it
reaches the user specified score?
If you take a moment to reply, please carbon copy
the message to my personal address as well so that I will not have to wait for
the digest to be generated to get a reply.
Thanks Everyone!
- RE: [SAtalk] Stop Checking When Score Reached Doug Eubanks
- RE: [SAtalk] Stop Checking When Score Reached Paul Fries
- Re: [SAtalk] Stop Checking When Score Reached Theo Van Dinter