>write SpamAssassin in such a way that these existing tools do the job
Hardware solution would be transparent, mo special accommodation. I would
think that a cluster would integrate similarly seamlessly, cant say from
experience, just from what I have read.
You just have to make your choice. The software is a lot more work to set up
and maintain, the hardware costs more but should install far more simply and
you can get support and hardware maintenance.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 6:50 AM
To: SpamTalk
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Distribute the load 

SpamTalk said:

> If the load is that large it would probably justify a hardware or 
> dedicated software load-balancing solution. Doesn't Red hat appears to 
> have an "active" load balancing solution: 
> http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/advserver/RHLAS-2.1-Manual/install-
> guide/
> s1-lvs-scheduling.html
> http://makeashorterlink.com/?B31852682
> Hardware wise, you could probably pick up a couple Cisco local 
> redirector at auction. I assume this stuff is important and you need 
> redundancy and failover.
> This is certainly not an issue to dedicate SA gurus against. It's been 
> done, why re-invent the wheel?

It's also important to note that our position is to write SpamAssassin in
such a way that these existing tools do the job, so as to avoid


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