On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Mark R. Cervarich wrote:

> So, thinking out loud, is Razor not getting used because of the 
> systemwide use of SpamAssasin?  Or is there some other reason.

I temporarily changed my spamd options to include "-D" and saw these 

Nov 19 15:48:36 ns spamd[16104]: connection from localhost [ 
] at port 49959 
Nov 19 15:48:36 ns spamd[16104]: logmsg: connection from localhost [ ] at port 49959 
Nov 19 15:48:36 ns spamd[16121]: info: setuid to mark succeeded 
Nov 19 15:48:36 ns spamd[16121]: logmsg: info: setuid to mark 
Nov 19 15:48:37 ns spamd[16121]: debug: is Net::DNS::Resolver 
unavailable? 0 
Nov 19 15:48:37 ns spamd[16121]: debug: running header regexp tests; 
score so far=0 
Nov 19 15:48:38 ns spamd[16121]: debug: running body-text per-line 
regexp tests; score so far=-0.2 
Nov 19 15:48:38 ns spamd[16121]: debug: running uri tests; score so 
Nov 19 15:48:39 ns spamd[16121]: debug: uri tests: Done uriRE 
Nov 19 15:48:39 ns spamd[16121]: debug: running raw-body-text per-line 
regexp tests; score so far=0.5 
Nov 19 15:48:39 ns spamd[16121]: debug: running full-text regexp 
tests; score so far=0.9 
Nov 19 15:48:39 ns spamd[16121]: debug: Razor is not available 

Ok, now we are talking. In my previous email I showed that I'm using
procmail to filter mail through razor-check.  So I know I have it on
my system and I know it works.

Why does spamd think Razor is not available?
How can I change this?

        [root@ns etc]# more /etc/sysconfig/spamassassin 
        # Options to spamd
        SPAMDOPTIONS="-d -c -a"

        [root@ns etc]# more /etc/procmailrc 
        * < 256000
        | spamc

thanks again,

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