On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 02:32:08PM -0600, Mike Loiterman wrote:
> How'd you do this?  I though the sql database was only for user
> prefs?  I'm interested in using an sql database to track my spam
> effectiveness as well.

Sorry for the late reply, I just found a bunch of mails way back in my SA mailbox. :(

This stuff doesn't use a standard SA database.  It's the result of some
code I wrote which rips the information out of my spam archive and puts
it in a set of custom tables.  I typically use it to generate graphs of
the scores over time, but I can get other information out as well. :)

The scripts and such are available at http://www.kluge.net/~felicity/random/   :)

Randomly Generated Tagline:
"CPU-angle has to be adjusted because of vibrations coming from the
 nearby road." - Today's BOFH Excuse

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