Since I'm having another night of not being able to sleep, I naturally
started pondering how effective the spam blocking I've been doing
has been.

Over the past week or so (actually since 2002-10-21 00:00:00), here's
what I've found:

# total verified spams
mysql> select COUNT(*) from reported where date >= '2002-10-21';
|      431 |
# total verified spams with RAZOR2_CHECK rule hit
mysql> select COUNT(*) from reported where date >= '2002-10-21' and rules like 
|      303 |
# total verified spams with SA score >= 5
mysql> select COUNT(*) from reported where date >= '2002-10-21' and value >= 5;
|      423 |

So overall:
mysql> select 303/431,423/431;
| 303/431 | 423/431 |
|    0.70 |    0.98 |


and because I can hear you asking, no, the 8 spams that weren't caught
by SA were also not caught by Razor, but 6 spams were caught because
of Razor:

mysql> select COUNT(*) from reported where date >= '2002-10-21' and
value < 5 and rules like '%RAZOR2_CHECK%';
|        0 |
mysql> select COUNT(*) from reported where date >= '2002-10-21' and
value < 8.91 and rules like "%RAZOR2_CHECK%";
|        6 |

Randomly Generated Tagline:
"Do not marry a person that you know that you can live with; only marry
 someone that you cannot live without."         - Unknown

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