Your rule for MY_BLACKLISTED_RCVD is changing quite drastically. Do you have multiple rules with this name?
Each of your own custom rules need to have their own distinct names otherwise only one of them will be applied and the others will be ignored silently.
This is NOT a bug, but a deliberate feature of SpamAssassin that allows your to over-ride the rules, scores etc present in the default configuration without causing "duplicate rule" error messages.
At 09:32 AM 11/6/2002 -0800, David Brossard wrote:
Running the debug output shows no surprises. It is using my rules directory and razor just fine. I can also test this because directly about one of my custom rules another one is checked and found when tested.header FFL_FOR_FRED subject=~/FFL*/ score FFL_FOR_FRED -20 works but header MY_BLACKLISTED_RCVD subject=~/lamailer/i score MY_BLACKLISTED_RCVD 100 (part of the custom rule I am trying to get to work) is completely ignored. Still stumped.
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