The most debug output you can get from spamassassin is by running:

spamassassin -tD <sample-nonspam.txt

Note that sample-nonspam.txt is included in the SpamAssassin tarball.

I'd run the debug output version of SA above and look at where spamasssssin is reading your user_prefs file and make sure that rule is in there or in Also note that if you are using user_prefs you need to do this test while logged in as the same user that runs spamassasin.

Special note if you are using MailScanner (you don't appear to be) MailScanner uses it's own user_prefs file in it's own /usr/local/MailScanner/etc directory.

At 11:34 AM 11/5/2002 -0800, David Brossard wrote:
Is there a way to get more debug output from spamassassin (not spamd or

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