Hiya folks,

bear with me. I love spamassasin and I run it togheter with amavisd-new and postfix as MTA.

Now..Im learning more and more everyday, theres quite a few docs to read :-) ..but I have this thing I need kinda urgently. I need to have the spam-emails caught, to be reported somehow. I.e I want a copy of the spam to a local address (say [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]) so I can check once a day if any spam was wrongfully classified by my (experimental) rules.. As it now, It silencly just drops it .

My other question is if there is any way to get the spammed mail copied to a quarantine of any kind.

Kind regards, and TIA


|_|_|_|_| Niclas Söderlund
|_|_|_|_| Project Consultant
|_|_|_|_| TechTrade International AB
|_|_|_|_| "Musa sapientum fixa est in aure"
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