> That's a *huge* difference.  It shouldn't be my internet connection as it
> is pretty good.
> I have seen other posts mentioning really slow times.  Any thoughts?

I have the same problem here. I updated from SA 2.31 to 2.43 recently and 
installed Razor2 v2.20 in addition (2.31 was working without Razor). While SA 
2.31 was working great without any delay it now takes fairly long to scan 
messages (15 minutes for 60 mails, I'm using an ISDN connection at 64 kbit/s, 
HW is an Athlon 1.33 GHz, 512 MB RAM, SuSE Linux 8.0). And I already switched 
from spamassasin to spamd/spamc. I don't run a mail server, spamc is called 
from kmail. spamd is called with -H parameter, spamc with -f.

Thanks to Rich Duzenbury for his Perl script, here are the statistics for the 
last 62 mails processed by SA 2.43:

1.10 seconds (1 times)
1.40 seconds (1 times)
1.70 seconds (2 times)
2.00 seconds (1 times)
2.20 seconds (1 times)
2.60 seconds (1 times)
3.00 seconds (1 times)
3.40 seconds (1 times)
3.60 seconds (1 times)
4.00 seconds (1 times)
4.40 seconds (4 times)
4.50 seconds (2 times)
4.60 seconds (1 times)
4.70 seconds (1 times)
4.90 seconds (3 times)
5.10 seconds (1 times)
5.20 seconds (2 times)
5.30 seconds (1 times)
5.40 seconds (1 times)
5.50 seconds (1 times)
5.80 seconds (1 times)
5.90 seconds (1 times)
30.30 seconds (1 times)
30.40 seconds (3 times)
30.50 seconds (2 times)
30.60 seconds (2 times)
30.70 seconds (2 times)
30.80 seconds (2 times)
30.90 seconds (1 times)
31.00 seconds (2 times)
31.20 seconds (4 times)
31.30 seconds (1 times)
31.40 seconds (3 times)
31.50 seconds (3 times)
31.60 seconds (1 times)
31.70 seconds (1 times)
31.80 seconds (1 times)
31.90 seconds (2 times)
32.00 seconds (1 times)

 4 total spams

Total Messages...: 62
Clean Messages...: 58
Spam Messages....: 4
Spam Percentage..: 6 percent

What is causing the jump from 6 seconds to 30 seconds?



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