I believe the RedHat SA package is pretty much just the same as installing SA.. it still doesn't integrate it into your sendmail, so you'll need some kind of milter, or procmail configuration to make sendmail use SA.

It makes sense for them to not automatically plug SA into sendmail, since there's at least 15 different ways to run SA against your email, each with different advantages/drawbacks. (milter, procmail, amavis, mailscanner, direct from kmail or mutt, just to name a few common ones).

Heck, in the cae of kmail/mutt SA doesn't even require that you use any MTA locally at all, much less sendmail.

At 12:15 PM 11/14/2002 -0700, Greg Jamison wrote:
What is required to get Spamassassin working with Sendmail when both were installed during the initial Redhat 8.0 installation? I have configured sendmail for local delivery, and that is working fine. When I send "test spam", everything comes thorough. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!


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