> I have a similar number of accounts on my mail server.  I have a P4 1.5GHz
> 1G RAM Dell workstation running spamd.  The box coasts most of the day and
> works hard during a spam storm.
> We process an average of just over 50,000 messages per day.  We call
> spamc from the global procmailrc.  We don't process message over 250K in
> size and our average processed message size is about 9K.  Over half of
> those messages are tagged as spam with a default required_hits of 8.

What would you consider the minimum for your setup. PII 500mz, PIII
1gig? How much RAM? 

I know it depends on traffic, but studies of a mta that I work on shows
that it gets about 10,000 spams minimum in a week. In any front end mail
filter I realize that bigger is better. But budget restraints won't let
me run out and buy the latest P4. 

I'd like to know what the list thinks.


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