On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Scott Lambert wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 03:01:52PM -0500, Paul Oster wrote:
> > I'm building a SA box for a smallish ISP (2500 mailboxes)  what kind of
> > machine should I be looking at?
> Impossible to say.  How much mail do your users receive?

If you're running sendmail, you can find out how many message you process
using the following script:

I wrote it for just this reason. It's gpl'd, and just 4k. If anyone sees
anything that could be improved in it, lemme know.

Then you can accurately estimate how many messages you'll be processing.

If you're not running sendmail, and could use a script like this, please
send me a copy of your maillog (smtp log, not pop/imap stuff) and I can
try to put one together for you (I plan on doing this anyway, I just don't
have any other log formats handy right now).

Josh I.

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