Cowles, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Question: Is there a SA config option that can be set at the backup MX site
> so that SA does NOT process any e-mails for my domains?

Not really.  It sounds more like a mis-feature or mis-configuration in
the milter.  It should not be running SA on email that is being held
for delivery to another site.

> [...]
> Am I completely misunderstanding SA's role in all of this, or is this
> possibly a feature/option of the milter? I searched the SA list and saw some
> relevant posts, but all I found were procmail type solutions. Since I'm not
> using procmail for final delivery, I thought I would post to the SA list in
> hopes that someone might be able to point me in the right direction on how
> to resolve this problem.

Basically, SA assumes you want to run SA on a message when you run SA
on a message.  The solution is to not run SA on messages when you
don't want SA to run on them.  I think most of the obvious methods
like an "ignore_to" could be exploited by spammers.  It seems like you
would need the milter to tell SA the destination host and at that
point, it would be easier to just have the milter not run SA.

Maybe someone knows of a way to get spamass-milter-0.1.2 to do the
right thing.


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