> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:spamassassin-talk-admin@;lists.sourceforge.net]On Behalf Of zenn
> Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 5:48 AM
> To: spamassassin
> Subject: [SAtalk] Outlook users reporting spam
> hi all
> how do you guys recommend i setup a system where by our local outlook users
> are about to report spam to razor or to a local blacklist
> resist the irresistible comments about world calamity that they are able to
> inflect with this magic bullet :-)
> what i'd really like to be able to do it allow them to email spam that got
> through to a local account that will auto_blacklist the address (or
> something similar)
> what do you guys suggest ?

Here's a quick, simple solution that I'm using at the moment.

Have users forward the offending mail to an e-mail account that has the
following procmail recipes:

# send a spamassassin report
:0 b
* ^Subject: spam$
* ? test -x /usr/bin/spamassassin
| sed -n -e 's/mailto://;/^From:/,$p' | /usr/bin/spamassassin -r

# Add the email address in the From: line auto-whitelist
:0 b
* ^Subject: white[      ]*list$
* ? test -x /usr/bin/spamassassin
| sed -n -e 's/mailto://;/^From:/p' | /usr/bin/spamassassin -W

The first recipe looks for the single word "spam" (without quotes) in
the subject line, and if found will feed the body through a sed script
that extracts everything from the initial "From:" line
found in the message body to the end of the message body. This is
then fed into spamassassin -r, which will format and send out a
Razor report.

(I was thinking of adding -R (remove from white list)
after the -r switch, but wasn't sure if these can be used in

The second recipe looks for "white list" in the subject line and
then extracts the From: line found in the message body, and sends
this to spamassassin -W, which white lists the e-mail address found

(the sed action that edits out "mailto:"; works around a small
problem with the current version of SA, where it doesn't
filter out the the mailto: prefix when extracting e-mail addresses)

In my procmail recipes, I further check that the from address
is my own, just to avoid the possibility that someone sends me
a valid message with "spam" or "white list" in the subject line.
If you create a separate user account whose only purpose was
to report all incoming mail to Razor or some other black list,
then there would be no need to check the Subject line at all.

Below is an example message forwarded from Outlook.

Note that if the user forwards an HTML-fomatted e-mail, the approach
described above won't work well.

To forward HTML-formatted e-mail, the user should instead
create a new empty message, then "Insert:Item ...", select the offending
message, and make sure "Attachment" is checked. This will include the
message as an attachment, and the recipe above will work without
modification. Alternatively, the script could be beefed up to accept
forwarded messages in HTML format.

-----Original Message-----
From: ContenWatch [mailto:reply-66253866-2556@;mailtonic.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 2:43 AM
To: Friend
Subject: Update: Internet Questions Answered

Has offensive adult material ever appeared on your computer screen while
you were using the Internet? If so, be aware that certain files were
saved to your PC!

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