On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Theo Van Dinter wrote:

> Well, the :0e part says that if the previous rule fails, so you'd only
> see it when the SA call fails.  I had a few times where there'd be this
> new file called EXITCODE=69 in my mail area when I had the same rule.
> I finally figured out that it didn't work and changed it to the one
> I posted.  Of course, I haven't had SA fail since then, so ... :|

OK, I modified my recipe as you suggested. It works fine. My recipe now:

* < 256000
| spamassassin -P


In my procmail log I am seeing that the -P option is being removed:

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Oct 11 15:54:36 
 Subject: RE: [SAtalk] SPAM message tricked SA???
  Folder: IN.assassin                                                      
The -P option has been removed.

I see in the man file that:

-P, --pipe                        Deliver to STDOUT (now default)

so I guess the -P is redundant.

> > I see in the FAQ that "All of the free BL services are enabled by 
> > default." Does that mean there is a list of senders that each message is 
> > checked against? I do not see anything about this in the man pages. Is 
> Well, the blacklist services are typically all IP based, and the sending
> server would be checked automagically if DNS checks can be performed.
> SA will also automagically try Razor, DCC, and Pyzor which are spam/bulk
> email central catalogues.

So SA is checking those catalogues on remote servers for each message it 
scans? I want to get a handle on the bandwidth this requires, since I am 
on a fairly slow connection.

> > there any place else besides http://spamassassin.org/doc.html and the FAQ 
> > that discusses the workings of SA?
> I can't think of anything off the top of my head. :(  What kind of
> information are you looking for exactly?

Just a general discussion of the way SA functions, and the reasoning
behind it. I'd like walk through of what happens when a message comes in.
The blacklist functions for example are not well documented. I wish I
could just read the source code and get my answers, but I aren't smart

BTW are most people using 5.0 as their required hits? So far today I have 
seen a few spams less than 5.0, and some at 18 or 19.

The amount of spam I receive is obscene, and SA seems to be working very 
well so far. Many thanks to those of you who make it all possible.


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