Thanks Theo, comments below.

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Theo Van Dinter wrote:

> > The procmail recipe I am using:
> > 
> > :0fw
> > * < 256000
> > | spamassassin -P
> > 
> > :0e
> > EXITCODE==$?
> FYI, that won't do what you want exactly.  I would probably do:
> :0e
> {
>       EXITCODE=$?
> }
> Otherwise it thinks EXITCODE=## is a filename and writes the spam to
> that file.  The above says to set the variable as you expect.

Hmmm. I am no procmail expert. I based my recipe on the suggestions linked 
from the documentation page:

The spam is indeed being filtered into a folder in Pine, but I will keep 
your suggestion handy.

> > After reading the docs, I am not still not sure what I need to do in order 
> > to keep SA up to date. How do I update the blacklists?
> The rules are updated for each release of SA -- we don't release the rules 

Ah, thanks for that. I am very intrigued by SA and how it works.

I see in the FAQ that "All of the free BL services are enabled by 
default." Does that mean there is a list of senders that each message is 
checked against? I do not see anything about this in the man pages. Is 
there any place else besides and the FAQ 
that discusses the workings of SA?

> > I will lurk on this list to get up to speed.
> :)

Hey, with all the time I will save, why not!

Thanks again,


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