Well, the man directories...that showed up for the first time with 2.43.

With 2.41 and 2, It was just /var/tmp/spamassassin-root/usr/bin/* that 
wasn't "found by glob".

I'll try the rpm -bi...

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Theo Van Dinter wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 09:57:09PM -0500, Mike Burger wrote:
> > Theo didn't know what to make of it.
> I've figured out the problem to some degree, but I don't know what's
> causing it yet.  I think it has something to do with the MakeMaker stuff,
> which I have no experience with, so investigation isn't going very quickly.
> > RPM build errors:
> >     File not found by glob: /var/tmp/spamassassin-root/usr/bin/*
> >     File not found by glob: 
> > /var/tmp/spamassassin-root/usr/share/man/man1/*
> >     File not found by glob: 
> > /var/tmp/spamassassin-root/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/*
> >     File not found by glob: 
> > /var/tmp/spamassassin-root/usr/share/man/man3/*
> > 
> > Any ideas on what I need to do to get past this so that I can create an
> > installable RPM?
> Hmmm.  That basically says that no files were installed.  No scripts, no
> man pages, no perl modules.  Curiouser and curiouser.  Any errors during
> the build?  What happens if you install the SRPM and do a "rpm -bi"?
> It should build and install into buildroot.  You can then see what files
> it put where.
> The problem I've been finding is with the man pages, basically it looks
> like on some systems MAN3EXT and the INSTALL*MAN3DIR variables get set
> to be "3pm" instead of just "3".  I don't know why, but fixing the spec
> file's files listing is pretty simple to grab those.
> My RH7.3 machine builds the RPM just fine, but I've noticed
> that on my RH6.2 box it decides that INSTALLMAN3DIR should be
> "$(PREFIX)/lib/perl5/man/man3" which is definately wrong (causes the
> build to fail as well).
> Unfortunately, I can't just force the directory in the spec file
> to something like /usr/share/doc/man/man* since it's different per
> distro/version.

Mike Burger

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