Oddly, all the perl modules seem to be in place, as SA 2.41 is running.

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Theo Van Dinter wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 11:32:32PM -0400, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> > Unfortunately, I can't just force the directory in the spec file
> > to something like /usr/share/doc/man/man* since it's different per
> > distro/version.
> Actually, I've forced the INSTALL1MANDIR and INSTALL3MANDIR in the spec
> file via the %{_mandir} macro, and that seems to have solved my problem
> on 6.2 while letting my 7.3 build keep working.  I'll send you the new
> version, give it a shot and let me know how it goes.
> It won't solve the problem with no /usr/bin and no perl modules, but...

Mike Burger

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