I use a dual P-III 1GHz, 1GB RAM. I churn as many as 80,000 messages a
day through spamassassin using spamc/spamd called from procmail with a
load avg. of 1-2, sometimes spiking higher during a big spam. Sendmail
is the MTA and there is no virus filtering on this box (that happens
before it gets to this box). The only other things running on this box
are POP and IMAP daemons. With this config I am not doing RBL checks,
MX checks, or Razor checks, so that may make a difference.


On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 12:47:52PM -0700, Gabriel wrote:
> Hi.  I'm currently evaluating SpamAssassin for use in filtering / 
> tagging spam, and I'm curious to know how well it performs.  That is, on 
> a given bit of hardware, let's say P-III @ 1GHz, 1GB Ram, about how many 
> messages could spam assassin handle?  Any pointers?
> Much thanks,
> Gabriel Cain.
> -- 
> Gabriel Cain                          
> Unix Systems Administrator           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Dialup USA, Inc.                      888-460-2286 ext 208
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