OK, here's 2.43.  This is strictly a bug-fix release. Download at


(Er, at least, download it there in about 15 minutes, it's still
gronking. ;)


  - AWL change reverted; instead of decreasing the AWL bias gradually to
    allow frequently-seen addresses to get into the "nonspam" area, it now
    behaves like 2.31 did, in that the AWL simply represents the
    long-term average score from that correspondent.

  - core-dump bug in spamd worked around, _except for the "-m" switch_.
    The "-m" switch relies on signal handling in the Perl interpreter,
    which seems to have some bugs we cannot work around reliably on some
    platforms, so its use is no longer recommended.

  - some portability fixes for SunOS.

Should be rock solid.  ish. ;)


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