Daniel Quinlan said:

> > I really don't see it that way.  I really don't think just looking at the
> > false postitives and negatives is looking at the whole picture.  Ignoring
> > the hits in the middle would be like ignoring successes )complete or
> > partial and only focusing on failures IMHO.
> I don't think you understand.  Anything that isn't a FP or FN is, by
> definition, a success.  So, if you have fewer FPs and fewer FNs, then
> you must have more successes.  There is nothing else.

Yep.  SpamAssassin is designed to assign a mail a rating of "spam" or 
"not spam", nothing more.  The "score" is a red herring, in the overall

> I don't care if a message is a few points one way or the other unless
> it's really close to my threshold (in which case, I'm basically
> changing my acceptance rate for FPs and FNs, but the ratio stays about
> the same).

Yep.  The "threshold" stuff is basically a way for the user to say
one of these things:

  - I want an aggressive filter which will catch more spam, but at the
    cost of me having to fish out a false-positive from the bin (trash)
    more frequently

  - I want as few FPs as possible

  - I want a 0.001% FP rate per year

It's just a way to tweak the FN/FP rate, no more, no less.

The scores fall out of this nicely, but they are a distraction from the
real purpose.


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